Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hanging in there.

I think this conversation does a lot to indicate my feelings about the last two months. It took place between roughly 1:20 AM and 1:40 AM.

Hey Alex.
Scrinnameless: Yeah?
PieceOfPandora: I'm sort of in a meloncholy mood right now.
Scrinnameless: That sucks.
PieceOfPandora: My financial situation really sucks.
PieceOfPandora: And both my sister and I have somewhat less-than-true reputations floating around about us at school. I don't go anymore, so it's less of an issue, but...
PieceOfPandora: A good friend of mine apparently thinks I'm doing nothing with my life.
Scrinnameless: ...
PieceOfPandora: Which might be based in truth.
Scrinnameless: See, that's what gets me. If you're content with your life, then I'd say you're not wasting it.
PieceOfPandora: I didn't say wasting.
PieceOfPandora: It's just...
PieceOfPandora: I care what people think.
PieceOfPandora: And the popular opinion these days is that I ran away from everything.
PieceOfPandora: And it's not entirely untrue.
PieceOfPandora: I was sick of high school and my parents.
PieceOfPandora: so I just moved out and switched to e-school.
PieceOfPandora: I feel like I have a defensible position - I had a sanity-draining home life, and high school and I never got along.
PieceOfPandora: I've got a steady girlfriend and while the subway thing didn't work out,
PieceOfPandora: I'm getting a new job tomorrow. Period.
PieceOfPandora: But I'd be lying if I said that I haven't been a little lax in the responsibility department. Partially due to my inability to immediately pay my bills, a friend of mine overdrafted and stayed that way for a few days.
PieceOfPandora: ...I tried to go to bed early but it's not really working.
PieceOfPandora: Need to go to a dentist appointment at 8.
Scrinnameless: ::nod::
Scrinnameless: Again, this is getting on the territory where I'm wondering what people expect you to do.
PieceOfPandora: I don't know.
Scrinnameless: Stay home and argue with your mom until she becomes a rational person?
PieceOfPandora: Meh.
Scrinnameless: Exactly.
PieceOfPandora: I've been much happier here.
PieceOfPandora: But money pressures are getting me stressed recently, as you can tell.
PieceOfPandora: Once I get my new job and my next check comes,
PieceOfPandora: I should be fine.
Scrinnameless: ::nod::
PieceOfPandora: And right now that's what I'm concentrating on.
PieceOfPandora: But there's a lot of stuff I need.
PieceOfPandora: I don't have a car. I don't have a license, or insurance.
PieceOfPandora: I need a computer.
PieceOfPandora: And I do, I do need one.
PieceOfPandora: I can't keep using Rita's.
PieceOfPandora:'s low on the list, though
PieceOfPandora: Stuff.
PieceOfPandora: My response to overwhelming stuff, is to ignore it and focus on one thing at a time.
PieceOfPandora: Which I guess is better than ignoring it all.
Scrinnameless: ::nod::
PieceOfPandora: I guess the thing is...
PieceOfPandora: I'm surrounded by people telling me I'm doing it wrong.
Scrinnameless: And that gets you down?
PieceOfPandora: Yeah.
Scrinnameless: All right. I gotta go.
PieceOfPandora: Ha.
PieceOfPandora: Alright man.
PieceOfPandora: Have a good night.
Scrinnameless: For what it's worth, I think as long as you're hanging in there, you're doing all right.

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